
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Food Trend: Heritage Meats and Poultry

     Heritage meats are from animal breeds that have been around for hundreds of years but are, until recently, rarely used in the food market. In current times, food companies and factory farms, which produce the vast majority of the meat and poultry consumed today, use breeds that have been specifically selected or designed to gain weight faster and be ready for slaughter sooner. This is of course more efficient for the food producers because less time is required before the meat can get to market, but having such a large majority of the meat and poultry come from a single breed is potentially dangerous for our health and our economy.

     Maintaining a variety of breeds in the food supply is beneficial because it prevents a single disease or condition from wiping out the main supply of a food source. Heritage breeds have survived over so many years because they are have shown adaptability to a variety of environmental conditions, diseases, and food sources. For example, the Irish potato famine occurred in the 1800's because only one breed of potatoes was predominantly being grown and it was wiped out by a fungus. Starvation and economic disaster ensued.

     Today there has been a resurgence in the popularity of heritage meats. Many chefs, restaurants, farmers markets, and CSAs are becoming interested in providing heritage meats to their customers. Heritage meats are often organic and pasture raised. Many claim that they have better flavor than traditional meats. Nutrient value compared to traditional meats has only begun to be looked at, thus far no nutritional benefits over traditional meats have been found, aside from the benefits of organic production, which does not contain dangerous pesticides and hormones.


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