
Monday, September 12, 2011

Avoid These (literally) Toxic Foods!

     This blog post isn't about any trendy diets that claim average foods are "toxic". Instead, it is about actual toxic foods. Foods that may be perfectly fine if they are prepared properly, but are dangerous when eaten raw. Or, spoiled foods that may be in the back of your pantry from who knows how many years ago, that need to be tossed, and definitely not eaten!

     Green potatoes are toxic due to a build up of solanine and should not be eaten!

     Uncooked red kidney beans have phytohemagglutinins which are toxic.

     Rhubarb leaves are toxic to humans.

     Any mushrooms that are you are not 100% sure are edible. Harvesting your own mushrooms should only be done with the help of  a qualified expert.

     Canned foods that are dented or have bulges may be contaminated with foodborne illness. Always choose cans that are not damaged in any way.


1 comment:

  1. This is great information. I have been known to snack on raw red kidney beans when cooking with them now I know not to do that anymore!
