
Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Take on Coconut Water

      Food trend alert: Coconut Water! This liquid extracted from inside young coconuts has been making headlines lately. Celebs are drinking it, and marketers are claiming that it's an "all natural" sports drink.

      What's so great about the latest nutrition craze? One thing manufacturers are are pointing out is it's high level of potassium, around 650mg per box (coconut water usually comes in a 12-ish ounce juice box-like container). Compare that to a banana, which is a food that is usually noted for it's high level of potassium, at 422mg for a medium sized fruit. The average adult requires about 4700mg of potassium per day to maintain health.

     The comparison to a sports drink comes from coconut water's high level of potassium, as well as its sodium sodium content. For sodium, it has around 20mg per box. A typically sports drink like Gatorade has about 45mg potassium, and 165mg sodium. These electrolytes (potassium and sodium) are lost in sweat during exercise. However, because the average person does not work out as strenuously as a professional athlete, which Gatorade was designed for, water is ideal for re-hydrating the body after a workout! And of course, American's get sodium from other foods, and it is unlikely for the average person to take in too little!

      Of course, added sugars are something that have been gaining lot of attention lately. As for the sugar content of Coconut Water, this particular brand contained 11 grams per box. Not terrible compared to pop which has around 41 grams per 12 ounces or Gatorade with around 21 grams per 12 ounces. The particular brand of coconut water that I tried had about 60 calories per 12 ounces, which is less than Gatorade, at about 75 calories, but more than water at 0 calories!

      As for taste, I am not a big fan. It is kind of stale tasting and not very sweet. I can't really compare it to anything in particular but I definitely prefer plain water!

      All-in-all, I find that Coconut Water can be enjoyed occasionally, much like juice or pop. Water is best for re-hydrating after a workout, and doesn't contain added calories. You can meet your potassium requirement by eating fruits and vegetables such as potatoes and bananas. So, treat yourself to a Coconut Water on occasion if you so choose, but stick with your standard water for regular hydration and daily drinking!


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