
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Is Sea Salt Really Better than Table Salt?

     This is a great question, because sea salt is making major headlines lately. A lot of companies are boasting products made with sea salt as being healthier. Soups, chips, canned foods, and frozen dinners just to name a few. These company's claim that sea salt contains less sodium than traditional table salt and doesn't share the same blood pressure raising properties. All this marketing seems to be working: a recent survey done by the American Heart Association found that 61% of people surveyed believed that sea salt was healthier than table salt.

    However, the truth is that sea salt and table salt contain the same amount of sodium chloride by weight. This means that they are equal in sodium, the mineral which can contribute to high blood pressure. However, because of the processing techniques, sea salt contains more natural minerals, such as calcium and magnesium than table salt. Some cooks report that using sea salt gives food a better flavor because it is less processed than table salt.

     Americans are advised to limit their salt intake to 2,300 milligrams per day, which is equivalent to about 1 teaspoon of salt per day. This doesn't just come from the salt shaker, products that are high in sodium include: deli meats, canned soups and vegetables, boxed foods such as rice, frozen dinners, fast food, and chips. Groups that are more at risk for high blood pressure are: African Americans, people over 40 years old, and people diagnosed with hypertension or a strong family history. If you fall into one of these groups you should limit your sodium intake even more. Speak with your doctor or Registered Dietitian about a sodium level that is right for you!

For more information please see the article published in the New York Times: Also visit the American Heart Association's website:


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