
Friday, August 5, 2011

Cut Down on Artificial Additives in Your Diet: Make Your Own Bread!

Cinnamon Raisin
     Investing in a bread maker is a SIMPLE way to cut down on your consumption of artificial additives and preservatives. Making bread with a bread maker is a two step process. You simply add the ingredients to the pan and turn the thing on! You can even set a timer so the bread is done right before you want to eat it! Most bread maker recipes call for bread flour, dry milk, butter, salt, and yeast. Other things such as raisins, cinnamon, and other spices can be added depending on what type of bread you want to make. They come with a guide book on how to use the machine and special bread maker recipes. You can also use the bread maker to make dough for rolls, pizza, or cinnamon rolls!

      My usual breakfast consists of either toast or half a bagel and some fruit. I recently got a bread maker from a friend of my parents.This has allowed me to make my own and now I know my breakfast is all natural. Store bought bread or bagels often contain additives such as preservatives, flavorings, oils, or added colors. I keep my fresh bread in the refrigerator so it lasts longer, since it doesn't have preservatives this helps prevent it from becoming moldy. Bread maker bread is also great for sandwiches and french toast!


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